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April 7, 2006
Misner behind Tyagarah boarding house?
The developer of the proposed boarding house in Tyagarah has embarked on a charm offensive. Residents of Buckley’s Hill report that he’s talked to almost all of them, describing his plans for the area.
But with talk of fencing off the lakes, 16 cabins already approved, a possible horse riding facility and a proposed boarding house, some residents fear a mini-Becton, housing students instead of tourists, is being planned for the two adjacent sites.
The history behind the site is intriguing. Studio Effects, a company controlled by Sydney-based developer Michael Hunter, in late 2003 purchased the property, covering about 10 acres, for $1.3m. The existing building was then demolished and approval was obtained for a new residence. A besser block ground floor was erected over two years ago but council officers apparently halted further building work.
One local resident said that prior to council officers visiting the site a tarpaulin covered with rubbish was placed over the plumbing in what appeared to be a toilet block. Just this one room featured ?? 10 waste water pipes, apparently in preparation five showers and five toilets, all in a row along one back wall. The residence was either to accommodate a very big family or it wasn’t a typical family residence at all. No one knows whether the council stopped the development because the five-metre boundary had been infringed or whether officers had seen and taken exception to ‘the bathroom’ plumbing.
According to the developer, it’s proposed that the boarding house be used as accommodation for students of the SAE but residents fear Tom Misner has a bigger hand in it than just supplying students. Misner was seen on a number of occasions on the property around the time of the purchase and real estate agents who operate in the area, along with many locals, have long held the belief Misner owned it. Indeed, Tyagarah resident Belinda Fleming once called Misner, believing he owned the land on which the southern tea trea lakes were situated, and asked whether she could swim in them. He gave her his permission.
Residents of Wilson’s Creek, the site of another proposed boarding house in which Tom Misner was believed to be implicated, will be familiar with the modus operandi. Council officers are now considering the development before making their recommendation to councillors.
Posted at April 7, 2006 5:22 PM
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