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July 12, 2001
Weed Spraying
Jeff Smith at council replied re Weed spraying
See "File"
Byron Shire Council
BSC File No: ENG075000
Your Ref: #275827
12th July 2001
To: Mitra
This letter is a followup to your customer request regarding hte spraying activities along Grays Lane and Prestons Lane on 14 June 2001.
Council has discussed the spraying activities for that day with the staff involved. There will not be a repeat of some of the actions you have described. The practice of spraying grass that is not causing a visibility problem at the time is done so that regrowth is minimal which helps Council minimise the future maintenance costs for that area.
As you have stated, Council has given a commitment to reduce herbicide use and will be continuing to do so. The extent of this reduction will depend on the implementation of alternatate maintenance systems and how successul they will be in the future.
If you have further enquiries regarding this information please contact the action officer listed below on 66-859-300.
Yours faithfully ... Jeff Smith, Director Construction and Maintenance.
Action Officer: Jeff Schneider.
Posted at July 12, 2001 12:00 AM
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